We offer bulk billing on weekdays and mixed billing on Saturdays and any Procedures.
Practice Policies
Fees and billing
All standard consultations (Monday-Friday) with a general practitioner will be bulk billed if you have a Medicare card. Please bring in your Medicare card or number with you for all consultations. Surgical procedures will attract a fee above what is claimable from Medicare.
A fee will be charged for patients not registered with Medicare, and for consultations not covered by the Medicare Benefits Schedule. Items not covered by Medicare are Cosmetic procedures such as Restylane (fillers), Dysport (anti-wrinkle injections) and chemical peels and Pre-employment screening. Please see the receptionist prior to your consultation if you have any queries.
If your visit is a result of a work related injury, you need to inform the doctor. Work related consultations and treatment will be billed to the employer or the Insurance Company involved.
Consultations are either by appointment or walk-ins. Patients with appointment have priority over walk-ins but patients requiring urgent medical care will be seen first. A longer consultation can be made upon request.
For an appointment, please call (02) 96540552 or book online via HotDoc. To book a phone consultation, when you book online, simply select telephone consult as your “appointment type”.
Home visits and After hours care
​Home visits and after-hours care are only available by National Home Doctor Service on weekdays between 6pm to 8:30am and Saturday and Sunday from 1pm.
If you require urgent medical attention outside practice opening hours, please contact National Home Doctor Service on phone number 137425.
You can arrange a home visit and you will be bulk billed if you have a valid Medicare Card. This service is only available by National Home Doctor Service on weekdays between 6pm to 8.30am and Saturday and Sunday from 1pm.
Telephone calls/electronic communication
Should you wish to talk to the Doctor a message will be taken and the doctor will return the call at the first available time. Emails and website enquiries will be checked daily and replied to as soon as possible.
Test results
Test results are given during consultations in order to allow for appropriate discussions of their implications.
We encourage patient feedback
In order to maintain high quality care we welcome any constructive comments or suggestions. The staff are here to help, so please ask for any assistance. Due to unexpected incidences the doctor may sometimes fall behind schedule. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. We do value your opinions and a suggestion box is located in our reception area where you may anonymously give any suggestions. We will then evaluate these suggestions and post outcomes at reception. If you are dissatisfied and wish to take your concerns further, you may contact the Health Clinic Complaint Commissions on (02) 9219 7444.
Preventative healthcare
Regular health checks and consultation with the Doctor when any changes or symptoms occur are an essential part of preventative care. We respect the patients right to participate in decisions about their healthcare.
Reminders and recalls
To provide for an efficient monitoring of your medical health, this practice offers a computerised system of reminders and recalls either by SMS or phone calls. We will also contact you for follow up tests, immunisations, health care assessments, reviews of chronic health problems. We can also provide you with information on state and federal government registers for managing chronic health conditions. If you do not wish to receive reminders please inform the practice.
To provide you with the best health care the Doctor may refer you for diagnostic testing or to another medical specialist, general practitioner or allied health professional. Referral letters can be given to the patient or if you prefer, emailed/faxed by the practice to the other provider.
This practice is committed to maintaining the confidentially of your health information. Your medical record is a highly confidential document and can only be accessed by the Doctor. Reception and general staff cannot access these records. Our privacy policy is available at reception.
Patient details
Please inform staff if your personal details have changed and any court documentation in regards to child custody arrangements.
Communication services
Should you require help to understand our practice brochure we can explain it to the patient verbally or print in a larger font. We can also use a translation/Interpreter service, National Relay Service or AUSLAN for the hearing impaired.
Emergency numbers
General Emergency 000
Ambulance Bookings 131 233
Poisons info line 131 126
Castle Hill Police 9680 5399
Norwest Private Hospital 8882 8882
Sydney Adventist Hospital 9487 9111
National Home Doctor Service 13 7425